I have a disease that has robbed me of my health and the ability to fully enjoy the latter years of my teenage life. A disease that has seen it fit to thrust upon me hospital sleepovers, dishes and desserts of pills, all night parties of pain, buckets of tears and often, fountains of frustration…
Sounds like I’m moping, wallowing in self pity and counting my losses, doesn’t it? Well… No. Quite the contrary. For I know there are many other persons going through the same thing or even worse, but in addition, have no one to turn to when the world doesn’t understand, or no home, no family. I have been blessed to have, not just one person to turn to, but a group of people; not just one home, but two homes; not just one family, but two families. They call The Lupus Magazine, TLM. I call it TLM, The Lupus Miracle.
Miracles are dramatic but sometimes gradual. They are sometimes unexpected and sometimes hoped for. They can be seen in the big things, but also in the things so little and simple that they are often overlooked. Miracles come in all shapes, forms and sizes but can be distinguished by the fact that despite differing characteristics, they all have two things in common: They are extraordinary and they are life changing. I believe in miracles.
Lupus has taken a lot from me, but I cannot overlook the fact that it has given me some amazing things also, one of which is the miracle of TLM. This magazine has not only provided an avenue through which I can help others, but it has helped me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. It has taught me that making a change is not a far-fetched dream but is in fact, within my grasp and reminds me when I forget, that even in the midst of a disease, constant positive outlook (with a family of warriors behind me) can dramatically change the outcome of my situation.
Happy Anniversary TLM. This is my tribute to you: TLM - The Lupus Magazine
Different ages, languages, cultures,
Different countries… worlds apart.
Different perspectives, dreams, experiences,
One disease, one family, one heart.
We laugh, we talk, we empathize with each other,
Or just listen while someone vents.
We sometimes even get angry at each other,
But understanding is never spent.
Many people see miracles only in occurrences,
However, having people who reach out and who share,
Who open up their hearts and lives to touch another,
Is nothing less of a miracle, so dear.
I have learnt that some miracles are to be created,
They stand waiting at our hearts’ door.
Through giving myself to others, as I was taught,
I can be the miracle that someone is waiting for.
When Lupus put her mark on my cheek,
In my ear she whispered, “You are destined for the sky”
You see, I have always had wings,
But it was TLM that taught me how to fly.
© Shoyea-Gaye Grant
West Indies.
The Lupus Foundation Jamaica Voice mail: 1876-803-0082 Email: lupus_foundationja@yahoo.com
First Published in The Lupus Magazine
About Me

- Ƹ̵Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Lil. Miss. Butterfly Ƹ̵Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
- Every day I fight Lupus, and it doesn't get easier. . . but giving up is not an option. Most days I smile through the pain because I refuse to allow Lupus to limit or define me . I absolutely ENJOY dancing in the rain and singing in my shower (even though I can do neither very well!. . . but hey , life is just for livin) Here's my motto: LAUGH SO HARD THAT EVEN SORROW SMILES AT YOU . . . LIVE SO WELL THAT EVEN DEATH LOVES TO SEE YOU LIVE :)
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